Classic Car Garage
A classic car garage is all about the cars but the walls and floor are all part of the showcase. The stone must of course be strong enough to take the weight and movement of the vehicles and have a suitable substrate. The sleek charcoal grey of Basaltina is a good candidate for this purpose. Walls can be clad in split face stone and lit to add some craggy drama or rich colour from NSP English Ironstone cladding. and or a more vintage look may be required with some antique style paving or setts.
Classic Car Garage ideas
1. Large format Basalt paving
2. Split face travertine wall cladding
3. Industrial Grey Mezze wall cladding
4.Vein cut Silver travertine cladding, vein matched
5. English Terracotta for a more vintage look
6. Reclaimed English slabs